A thought or two…

Ever wonder if the afterlife is nothing more than the moving of your consciousness from one reality where you died, into a reality where you lived?

it is said that all possibilities play out across the multiverse. If this is true for small things, like being forced to repeat the fourth grade, or turning right vs left at a given intersection, shouldn’t we also take into account every potentially life-ending event that we’ve survived?

What if we survived none of them?

Here’s the thought: What if our own consciousness, instead of imagining what might happen if we did X vs Y, actually has seen it played out though the loosely connected consciousness’s of our limitless number of selves across time and space. We’re not imagining how it would have felt if we hadn’t dodged that baseball to the head – at some level, we KNOW how it felt, because somewhere, it happened to us.

Overall, this affect would manifest itself around moments that are similar – just as the streams break up for a given event. And our imaginations are nothing more than the thoughts or the living memory of one (or several) of our versions living throughout a series of unending, limitless universes. And the only thing connecting these alternate worlds, with their histories both subtly and grotesquely different than what we see as our own, is the living mind, the essence of spirit (all spirit, human or otherwise), and it is only our individual ‘focus’ on a given course that sets the realities we accept as our own.

If this were the case, we’ve all died a billion times, and survived as billion times over as well. In this scenario, none of us ever get out alive, but we are all immortal. Would the pinnacle of existence be the ability  to see where these tangents would take you, and focus your reality accordingly to bend the world to your will? Or, would the ability to see all possibilities, all focal points, and facets of every decision, essentially make one a God?

After all, we are all immortal, aren’t we?

About Derek

Derek Dykes was born on his Grandmothers' birthday in January 1973. The son of a local businessman and an artist, Derek and his brother Charles both grew up in an environment where creativity was encouraged. While earning healthy grades and participating in activities was important to Derek, they always took second place to what really mattered to him - his friends and family. Derek found himself thrust into adulthood when his father died. Taking care of his responsibilities meant that his college education was put on hold. While he was unable to afford classes, he privately continued his studies in art, literature, archeology, Celtic history, and a cornucopia of other subjects that interested him. Derek moved home to Mobile, Alabama in early 2008 after living away for almost a decade. His journey home was a catalyst for the foundation of his first novel, MADNESS. In addition to writing, Derek enjoys photography, parenting and using any medium available to bring the creations of his mind to life. More of Derek's work can be found by visiting www.derekdykes.com
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