An Open letter to the President Elect:

Dear Mr. Trump;

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. I am writing to you in hopes of speaking to you in the manner you respect the most: with directness. However, it is my sincere hope to do so in a respectful manner, and I hope you take my statements and requests with this in mind.

I know you are *very* busy, so I thank you for your time. Let me cut to the chase. I am writing because there are a lot of people who are afraid. And while I look to the adults who are fearful, and tell them to turn to the Laws of the Land to dismiss some of the rhetoric they’ve been fed, it is far more difficult to explain these things to the children. And, as an American, and a father, I know we *both* understand how important the children are.

Since your election, I have witnessed so much hate from people, and it hurts my heart. But, when a child (*MY* child) comes to me having heard other kids spitting out lies, and the kids are so afraid, I thought the best course of action would be to have you tell them what is real, and what isn’t.

My daughter heard classmates telling black people that they were going to be shipped ‘back to Africa’. You and I both know this isn’t the truth. And, if it only were being spread by adults, I wouldn’t trouble you to respond. But, kids are hearing this, and they are afraid.

I know that you, of all people, do not want that.

Also, a friend of mine has a girl who is twelve years old. A classmate told her to ‘get ready to become a servant again, because that’s where women belonged’. Looking at the strong young women you’ve raised, I can’t for one moment believe that you would think this is alright.

I do not believe that either of these things reflect your beliefs, or any belief in making America great again. But, respectfully Sir, these children are hearing this kind of rhetoric somewhere; either online, on the radio, or (mostly likely) in their, or their friends, homes.

Fringe elements, whether you like it or not, are attributing statements to you, that you have not made. And if there is one thing I know about you, it is that you speak for yourself, and you do NOT let others put words in your mouth.

There are so many other things I could say, but your time is best spent now on two things; the peaceful transition of power, and, as much as you can (as ONLY you can) helping to bring our citizens together, to live peacefully together, under the Rule of Law that makes this country great.

So, I ask only a moment, to in some way, speak to these points. As much as the children need to hear a message of Law and Peace from you, the adults that are spreading this misinformation also need to have a statement; one that cannot be misconstrued, or warped for the means of lesser men.

You have, in your victory, stated that you wanted to be President for ALL of us; and I truly want to see that happen. We have no other legitimate option, so I look forward in hope. But there is so much discontent, below the radar, and there is so much *fear* – and our children are hearing it. And they cannot process it. And they aren’t getting what they need. Only you, Mr. President-Elect, can give the kids the solace that they need to grow, and that they deserve, to be at peace in our great Democracy.

I implore you to reach out. They are not voters yet, but they are everything that our country holds sacred and dear.

Please, Mr. Trump. Consider what I’ve said, and consider speaking on these issues. There are minds and hearts that need these things challenged directly, and only you can do so.

Many thanks for your time, sir. I wish you, and the United States of America, all the best.

Mr. Derek E Dykes

About Derek

Derek Dykes was born on his Grandmothers' birthday in January 1973. The son of a local businessman and an artist, Derek and his brother Charles both grew up in an environment where creativity was encouraged. While earning healthy grades and participating in activities was important to Derek, they always took second place to what really mattered to him - his friends and family. Derek found himself thrust into adulthood when his father died. Taking care of his responsibilities meant that his college education was put on hold. While he was unable to afford classes, he privately continued his studies in art, literature, archeology, Celtic history, and a cornucopia of other subjects that interested him. Derek moved home to Mobile, Alabama in early 2008 after living away for almost a decade. His journey home was a catalyst for the foundation of his first novel, MADNESS. In addition to writing, Derek enjoys photography, parenting and using any medium available to bring the creations of his mind to life. More of Derek's work can be found by visiting
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