There is a problem in this society that, while noticed daily, is sadly becoming more and more ‘acceptable’. It is not a problem that is Democratic or Republican, wealthy or struggling, and it knows no racial boundaries either.
Before I call out the problem, I’m going to step back to something I heard the other day, while watching a documentary on Talk Shows in the 1990’s. The folks that made the Springer Show were talking about how, in order to save their jobs and keep the show on air, they decided to go with the ‘sensational’ topics that they believed young people wanted. I believe the phrase, ‘we just gave them what they wanted’ came up more than once. And that, I believe, while certainly not a smoking bullet, that it is this mindset – this “Give them what they want” attitude, that has led us to the place we are now – where civility is labeled as weakness, and anything less than arrogant capriciousness is considered to be somehow lacking in character, or even ‘less human’.
The 90’s talk show spectacle was more wild and sensational than what we see today – but that is partially because we’ve become used to it. When the envelope *is* pushed, it goes much farther than before – because that is what is required to get attention. And we now crave attention, like a child craves candy, like an addict craves cocaine, like an alcoholic craves booze.
Notice, in each of these parallels, we (mostly) have enough sense to realize that, just because someone craves something, doesn’t mean they should have it, when it is BAD for them. And, like giving in to the addict and getting them high ‘because the wanted it’, we did a disservice to the country by giving in to the ‘craving’ for 24 hour sensationalism. Now, you can’t even turn on the Weather Channel on a sunny day without seeing something that is designed to catch your eye, in much the same manner as a train wreck catches your attention. You see something that you cannot process, and find you cannot look away.
Many people were made very rich, and many have done it by just ‘giving the audiance what they want’. Sounds a little too similar to ‘I was just following orders’, but that is another discussion.
Now, when academic achievement, intelligence and respect are passed along as weakness, stupidity and foolishness, we have new kings ruling the roost. Piousness, baseness, and entropy are now wearing the crown in America, which is just what the puppet-masters behind the curtain have always wanted. Because an ignorant society, convinced of their superiority, is always more easy to control, and to subjugate, leaving the hidden virtuosos to profit on the backs of a fallen society.
So, what is the problem in America today? It’s pretty simple, really. No one listens to hear another person – they listen only to build a response. The educated are cast as fools, and the weak-minded believe in their hearts that they are the chosen ones, so they question nothing they are told, as long as their Emperors keep telling them how special they are (all while robbing them blind in the process). What they fail to realize is that their new emperors are still wearing invisible clothes, no matter how regal they think they are. The rest of us, and much of the world, sees right through to the bare naked truth. And while we may work to return civility and academics to their rightful places (along with respect, and meaningful conversation), we will not simply join in and normalize the crowd that flocks to see their new kings parade around like the jesters they are.
Remember, remember – the *6th* of November (midterm Elections)