You can sit on the shore

You can sit on the shore, feeling the setting rays of the day’s sun cast their healing warmth upon you, listening to the waves gently lap forth and back across the sand, and feel a peace around you that almost makes you wonder about any moment where such contentment cannot be found.

But as you sit on that shore, feeling almost god-like in your joy and heartfulness, watching the sun disappear into the red-blue waves of the sea, the inevitable darkness walks up behind you, its chill, skeletal fingers lightly touching the back of your neck, drawing away the warmth left by the setting star. The sea before you churns as the rising moon wrecks her havoc on the waves, and beneath your feet, in the growing darkness (and only if you stop to listen), you can feel the world turning, spinning ever-onward, past the day before and the into next night, beyond the ‘not-yets’ and the ‘neverminds’, over mountains of excuses and seas of troubles, on well ahead of your journey’s end, into anothers’ time. In unending darkness you lay, the bony hand of Death teasing you with its touch, bringing past and present together in one fleeting moment where all is lost, and all can be found.

Beware the things that make you spiral away from the glowing star, and into the darkness. Only the grave awaits you there.

About Derek

Derek Dykes was born on his Grandmothers' birthday in January 1973. The son of a local businessman and an artist, Derek and his brother Charles both grew up in an environment where creativity was encouraged. While earning healthy grades and participating in activities was important to Derek, they always took second place to what really mattered to him - his friends and family. Derek found himself thrust into adulthood when his father died. Taking care of his responsibilities meant that his college education was put on hold. While he was unable to afford classes, he privately continued his studies in art, literature, archeology, Celtic history, and a cornucopia of other subjects that interested him. Derek moved home to Mobile, Alabama in early 2008 after living away for almost a decade. His journey home was a catalyst for the foundation of his first novel, MADNESS. In addition to writing, Derek enjoys photography, parenting and using any medium available to bring the creations of his mind to life. More of Derek's work can be found by visiting
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